Broken jaw

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A broken jaw is a prevalent form of facial injury. In most cases, only the nose is damaged. Any damage are usually the result of a direct blow or trauma to the jawbone.

What are the possible causes?

  • Assault
  • Vehicular accidents
  • Falls
  • Sports injuries
    Broken jaw
    Sensation that the teeth does not properly fit together. The individual might not be able to open his/her jaw completely, have issues speaking or notice swelling of the jaw.

Indications of a broken jaw

  • Jaw pain
  • Sensation that the teeth does not properly fit together. The individual might not be able to open his/her jaw completely, have issues speaking or notice swelling of the jaw.
  • Lower lip or chin seems numb due to damage to the nerve that runs through the mandible.
  • There is bleeding or changes in the lineup of teeth within the mouth. There is also bruising beneath the tongue or even a wound in the ear canal.

When to seek medical care

A doctor should be consulted for the following:

  • The individual has been injured
  • Feels that his/her teeth do not correctly fit
  • There is swelling inside the mouth
  • Difficult speaking
  • Evident swelling

A broken jaw requires assessment at a healthcare facility. An individual with a suspected injury should be taken to the nearest emergency department. A possible but serious consequence of a broken jaw is difficulty breathing due to the loss of support to the tongue. Any breathing issues must be addressed right away.

Treatment at home

If the individual has any questions on his/her broken jaw, he/she must be assessed by a doctor. An ice pack can be applied to the jaw to control the swelling while on the way to see a doctor. Oftentimes, a paper cup is needed to catch drool or to spit blood into as well.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on a broken jaw is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage a broken jaw by taking a standard first aid course with one of our training providers.

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If you need medical advice or help with a diagnosis contact a medical professional