What are the triggers for asthma cough?

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Millions of children all over the world suffer from asthma. When it comes to asthma, the airways periodically constrict which results to wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing. There are various substances or circumstances called as triggers that can instigate an asthma attack. By being familiar with the triggers for asthma, it can help the individual avoid attacks while at the same time reduce the effects of the condition on his/her daily life. If you want to learn more about asthma, click here.

Allergies to food and preservatives

Food allergies can trigger asthma attacks. In some circumstances, an individual is allergic to a certain type of food preservative called as sulfiting agent. Potassium bisulfite, sodium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, sulfur dioxide and sodium sulfite are good examples. It is important to be well aware that some medications also contain sulfiting agents. An individual who is allergic to these chemicals should take time to read food labels carefully and ask if certain medications contain sulfiting agents.

Environmental allergies

It is a known fact that allergies are one of the contributing factors for individuals who have asthma. Inhaling substances that the individual is allergic can trigger an attack. Those who have allergy-related asthma are highly sensitive to various substances but some allergic triggers are quite common. Pollen, dust mites and mold are the common triggers for allergic asthma.

Cat and dog allergies can also instigate asthma attacks. It is important to note that the fur of animals is not the trigger but the skin cells, saliva and urine which are responsible for triggering an allergic reaction. Take note that birds kept as pets can also instigate an asthma attack due to an allergy to feathers. Rodents and even cockroaches are also considered as common allergic asthma triggers.

Asthma cough
Inhaling substances that the individual is allergic can trigger an attack.

Tobacco smoke

Smoke from tobacco is also a trigger for many asthmatics. Leftover tobacco smoke on clothing is enough to trigger an asthma attack. Even those who are not allergic to the smoke can experience a reaction since it is considered as an airway irritant. Those who have asthma must avoid any contact with tobacco smoke.


Some medications are known to trigger an asthma attack. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and aspirin are the usual culprits. Even medications such as beta-blockers that are used in treating high blood pressure can also instigate asthma attacks.

Indoor pollutants and chemicals

There are various household chemicals that can initiate an asthma attack. Scented candles, perfumes, cleaning agents, air freshener as well as fabric softener, laundry detergents, cooking fumes, paint fumes and glue are considered as triggers. Gas or wood stoves, fireplaces and kerosene heaters can produce elevated amounts of nitrogen dioxide in the air which can trigger an asthma attack.

Stress and anxiety

Undesirable levels of stress and anxiety along with emotional distress can trigger asthma attacks in some individuals. When an individual is suffering from asthma, both physical and mental stress goes along together.

Occupational hazards

If an individual is exposed to chemicals in the workplace, it can be considered as an asthma trigger. The number of chemical irritants varies due to the wide selection of chemicals present in various industries. Some of the common agents include mineral dust, cleaners, solvents, polymers, hydrocarbons, metal salts and wood dust.

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