Allergy to cosmetics

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Cosmetics and toiletries are used to make us look good and feel clean. They are utilized safely by many individuals of all ages all over the globe. Even though many individuals have no issues, mild irritation and rashes might be common and under recognized. Remember that irritant and allergic reactions might occur.

Irritant reactions

These reactions reflect a damaging effect of the toiletry or cosmetic on the skin especially when using too much shampoo or soap on the skin which leads to dryness, chapping and soreness.

The delicate areas of the body where the skin is naturally thinner such as the face, skin folds and eyelids are prone to irritant reactions. Other cosmetics that can trigger irritation include liquid foundation, face masks, mascaras, anti-aging creams and toners.

Allergy to cosmetics
Those who have sensitive skin can experience burning, itching or stinging within minutes of using a particular product.

Those who have sensitive skin can experience burning, itching or stinging within minutes of using a particular product. This is usually in the form of an irritation instead of an allergy and quite common among those who have skin issues such as dermatitis and rosacea. It is also recommended to utilize products that are specifically for sensitive skin. In some cases, however, trial and error might be required to find products that can be tolerated.

Allergic reactions

This involves the immune system which fights off infections but occasionally identifies the wrong target. An individual should be exposed to an allergen more than once, usually repeatedly to end up with an allergy. It simply means that an individual can become allergic to a substance which he/she has been using for some time without any issue.

It is still unclear what triggers the allergy, but once it develops, allergies are usually life-long. Allergic contact dermatitis manifests as a sore, itchy, red-colored bump that becomes dry and flaky. If further contact with the allergen is prevented, it must improve within a week or so. Remember that a reaction is usually worse where it was applied but can spread to other parts of the body.

Common ingredients in cosmetics

Preservatives and fragrances are the common ingredients in cosmetics that can trigger allergic reactions. There are various types of ingredients in fragrances but you can determine if a particular fragrance is added since it includes “parfum” in the labelling.

If an individual is allergic to fragrance, it is recommended to avoid fragranced plant extracts that might be labelled separately with a Latin name. The plant extracts that can trigger allergic reactions include citrus extracts, tea tree oil and lavender.

The preservatives are utilized in most cosmetics and toiletries to prevent them from degrading and being tainted by bacteria.

Other substances that can occasionally trigger allergic reactions include nail varnish resin especially acrylate nails as well as sunscreens. Products that are labelled as natural or hypoallergenic might contain a variety of common allergens.

Hair dye is also another cause of allergic contact dermatitis and always triggered by phenylene diamine chemicals. A strong allergic reaction can develop, thus resulting to swelling, redness of the face, ears and neck as well as the scalp. This type of allergy often affects individuals who have colored their hair for years without any issues.

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