Allergic reaction to cocoa butter lotion

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An allergy to cocoa butter is also called as allergic contact dermatitis or inflammation of the skin that develops due to an allergic response after contact with a particular substance. This skin condition commonly occurs as a result of exposure to substances such as fragrances, nickel and poison ivy.

When an individual uses cocoa butter lotion, the immune system reacts and generates a torrent of inflammatory chemicals that triggers a skin reaction within 48-72 hours of applying the cocoa butter. Once the cocoa butter lotion is applied, the immune system tends to react more quickly and the reaction occurs in just a short time. The symptoms might not manifest with the first application and in some cases, the individual can use the product for many years prior to developing an allergy. Once the allergy develops, the symptoms will occur every time the lotion is used. It is best that you are prepared on what to do when an allergic reaction strikes. All you have to do is to register for first aid training today.

Cocoa butter allergy
The indications of an allergy to cocoa butter lotion usually include skin rash where the lotion made contact with the skin.

What are the symptoms?

The indications of an allergy to cocoa butter lotion usually include skin rash where the lotion made contact with the skin. Take note that this rash can appear as reddened skin with small-sized bumps and often accompanied by severe itchiness. The individual will also develop dry, red-colored patches can also occur along with blistering. The rash can be painful and even feels like a burn in severe cases. If the skin was constantly exposed to the lotion, it will become severely affected. It is important to provide relief measures if the skin reactions cause intense pain.

Diagnosing the allergy

An allergy to cocoa butter lotion is usually diagnosed by a doctor with a thorough health history. A patch test can be carried out so that a diagnosis can be made. This procedure involves placing a minimal amount of the suspected allergen on the skin and leaving in place for up to two days. The doctor will examine the skin if there is a reaction after a 48-hour period.

Treatment for cocoa butter lotion allergy

The main treatment typically involves avoiding the use of cocoa butter lotion. For relief from the symptoms, topical steroids can be given to minimize the inflammation. Antihistamines can also be given to help provide relief to the severe itchiness. As for cases involving a severe allergic reaction, oral corticosteroids can be given to reduce the inflammation. Lastly, antibiotic creams or oral antibiotics are used if infection is likely to occur or has developed in the affected area.

Important considerations to bear in mind

The moment an allergy to cocoa butter lotion is identified by the doctor, it is vital to carefully check the labels of lotions and fragrances being used. Take note that these are often additives or fragrances that might be present and should be avoided as much as possible to prevent an allergic reaction from developing.

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