April 2017



Sciatica is described as pain triggered by irritation of the sciatic nerve. Generally, remember that anything that irritates the nerves can instigate pain that ranges from mild to severe. Furthermore, this is usually due to a crushed nerve root in the lumbar spine. Generally, the sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the

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What is MERS?

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus or MERS is a viral respiratory ailment that strikingly resembles pneumonia. All the reported cases have been linked to travel or residing in and around the Arabian Peninsula. The exact origin of MERS-CoV is still unknown, but it probably started in an animal. The virus has been found in camels

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Collapsed lung

A collapsed lung is characterized as deflation of some or the entire lung which results to chest pain, difficulty breathing and hypoxia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh3XgEnUSYg Generally, it starts as a hole in the lung that allows air to escape from the interior of the lung and inflates the space amidst the lung and ribcage. The pressure from

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Rabies is an infectious viral ailment transmitted to humans from animals. The disease is transmitted to humans from a rabid animal or one that carries the rabies infection. Skunks, raccoons, foxes and bats are the usual sources of animal-to-human transmission of the disease. Rabies affects the brain and spinal cord. Even though the primary symptoms

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Cytomegalovirus belongs to the herpes virus family that typically affects humans. Even though cytomegalovirus infections are quite common, most individuals who are healthy do not even feel sick or notice the infection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL4vD-Fu8cA Some individuals especially those who have a weak immune system develop symptoms that strikingly resemble mononucleosis. These individuals are prone to develop

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Buzzing ears

Ringing or buzzing ears can be annoying due to the absence of audible noise. This is a symptom brought about by tinnitus which is a medical condition in which a sound resembling ringing, clicking, buzzing, hissing or wheezing is heard. The buzzing can be heard in one or both ears and can be intermittent or

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