November 2015

What are the foods that trigger flare-ups of arthritis?

For many years, it was believed that the diet could not help manage arthritis. Based on the recent studies conducted, it was revealed that this inflammatory condition can be managed or even worsened by diet. There are certain foods that can trigger issues for individuals who have arthritis which generates sore swelling of the joints.

What are the foods that trigger flare-ups of arthritis? Read More »

What to do for allergy to live chickens?

Just like with other animals, chickens are capable of triggering allergic reactions in some individuals. Always bear in mind that the saliva, urine and skin cells of feathered animals can instigate symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes and rashes. The excrement of chickens can also trigger allergic reactions in some highly sensitive individuals. Additionally,

What to do for allergy to live chickens? Read More »

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